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    Still love you I still love you. You asked me to leave and give you space. I had nothing but I did it because I love you. I hated you I had no family or friends to turn to. All my local family and friends where your family and friends and I couldn't run to them. You'll never know how completely alone i was. your entire extended family lives within a miles away. I was angry but I'm over it because I've learned how strong I am. That I don't need anybody. I tried to get over you. I dated other guys, volunteered, worked myself to death just so I wouldn't have to think about you. I still love you Not a day goes by that I don't think about what we had. I'm not obsessive anymore. I never really was with you but you seemed to think I was. I just really loved you and wanted to give you everything. I know you still care about me, but I can't figure out why you don't want to talk at all. I can understand that the relationship may be over but why do I have to lose my best friend. We talked about everything, things I couldn't talk about with anyone else. I miss that. The last 8 months have been filled with emptiness. I am getting ready to leave soon. Since I can't have my life with you I will go into the . I'm doing this so it will take me far away. I want you to see my potential. Its not the last stop on the way to the top. as an officer, i will have so many doors opened to me. I know you'll always know what I'm up to.. Your family keeps in touch. The guy I'm dating right now is just mr. Right now. I can't sit at home alone on Friday and sat nights. He has nothing on you so don't be intimidated. He knows that the relationship is not meant forever.. We've discussed it. I don't want to sound like a bitch when I say this either, but where are you going to find another girl with the beauty, power, connections I have? I've been told I'm a breed. That a 23 year old girl, with a great job, money, no debt, has it all together, and completely supports/ takes care of herself is hard to find. I'm not sure why? Don't be with me though because I'm good with those things. There just there to show you that I don't need you but want you. I'm going places and wish I could bring you with me. Maybe that's intimidating to you. I'll always love you, just know when I make it to the top, no new friends and that's to protect me and what I've earned. I won't be able to trust anyone that wasn't with me before I made it. "Soon we'll be together, and I can't wait till then"


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