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    You don't confess this fantasy to anyone Not even to your closest friend....the one you barely allow yourself to think of.....a stranger...stalking you....the predator you fear - and secretly crave, striking where you're most vulnerable, ripping the power from you, as he takes control, touching you the way no one has........the rape fantasy you've only dared imagine, in the darkest recesses of your mind......"live" it, in a controlled environment, within the limits that you set.....

    No need to worry - it will be everything you want to experience - as raw, as elaborate as you dare desire.....and it will never occur, until we are both comfortable.....it's not for every person - but is exhilarating to those who dare, as any experience they've ever imagined, while touching themselves in the darkness.....contact is essential, and I won't allow it to happen until I'm sure its what you want - and they way you want it....but don't let that lead you to think that your heart won't be racing, your legs trembling......it will be the experience of your sensual, erotic life........because YOU contribute, with confession of your greatest erotic fear - and live it if you want.....conquering it, to the extreme of your own pleasure....

    If you've ever even had a fleeting thought, of the extreme eroticism of complete helplessness, coupled with the fear you've believed you could never survive, we should talk......no harm in talking, is there.


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