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    420 Folks m4w Anyone out here smoke??? So tough finding chill ppl that are 420 friendly.
    Wanted to go see ASAP this weekend...but all my cool friends are in ORD and NYC.
    Male Female..it doesn't matter. Hit me up if you are chill and love to laugh and enjoy life.
    Pic gets mine. I'm a young profess and cute, italian/puertorican NYr.


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  • Adult seeking hot sex Woolwine Virginia 24185 REGULAR FRIEND NEEDED m4w I am looking for a friend I can stop by and see
    Someone that I can send an email to at about 10 or 11 am
    If you are available, you respond and say yes I am free
    If I dont get a response to my email, it means you aren't available
    I will arrive promptly at 11:45 or noon or whatever our agreed upon time is
    I will stay for about 20 minutes (maybe a little more maybe a little less)
    We will have a nice chat and I will leave with a smile
    Maybe the next week or a few weeks later I will email again to see if you are free
    I will never stop by unannounced
    We will never discuss our meetings or what we do there - if anything
    There will never be anything illegal about our meetings since there will never be any agreement to do anything
    This will just be a few friends getting together once in a while
    I will always be nicely dressed and well mannered
    I will always leave a gift for your conversation and your smile
    Nothing else is implied or agreed (no sex)
    Can you make me smile?

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